Monday, March 24, 2014

Chapter 5 : Verbal Messages

           Verbal messages is a message that transfer through                  vocal communication.

  1. Principle of verbal messages 
  • Message Meanings Are in People - The word that different people say will bring different meanings. 
  • Messages Are Denotative and Connotative 
        Denotative : Meaning direct from dictionary. 
        Connotative : Meaning based on own understanding/feeling.
  • Meanings Depend on Context/Abstraction - A word/action that can bring various meaning. 
      (i) Meaning are culturally influenced:
          Principle of Cooperation with 4 maxims: the maxim of quality (be honest)
                                                                   : the maxim of relation (related with the topic)
                                                                   : the maxim of manner (be clear)
                                                                   : the maxim of quantity (be informative)
          Principle of Peaceful Relations: keep a peaceful relationship.
          Principle of Face-Saving: don't embarrass others in public.
          Principle of Self-Denigration: never take all credits for yourself.

      (ii) Meaning are influenced by gender:  
           Men - usually more direct.
           Women - usually more polite.
  • Messages Vary in Politeness 
       (i) Politeness vs Impoliteness 
      (ii) Directness vs Indirectness
  • Messages Vary in Assertiveness: person who speaks their mind & welcome other's doing.
  • Messages Can Deceive: having an intention to give false message. 
      (i) Pro-Social Deception - to achieve something good
     (ii) Self-Enhancement Deception - to make yourself look good
    (iii) Selfish Deception - to protect yourself
    (iv) Anti-Social Deception - to harm others

     2. Disconfirmation & Confirmation

         Disconfirmation : You ignore someone's message.
         Confirmation : You acknowledge someone's message.

  • Area affected by disconfirmation and confirmation: 
      (i)  Racism: judge people by their skin-colour.
      (ii) Sexism: judge people based on their gender.
     (iii) Hetero-sexism
     (iv) Ageism: assume that elderly people are weaker than younger people.

     3. Using Verbal Message Effectively

  • Verbal messages can :

            1.Symbolize reality (partially)
2.Express both facts and inference
3.Be relatively static
4.Obscure distinctions

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