Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapter 13 : interpersonal, group and workplace conflict

What is the meaning of interpersonal conflict?
It is when people are :

  1. interdependent
  2. mutually aware that their goals are incompatible 
  3. perceive each other as interference in their goals

Online conflict 

  1. spamming
  2. flaming
  3. junk mail 

Workplace conflict

  1. procedure conflicts - disagreement on who is in charge 
  2. people conflicts - battle for control or people who are not willing to participate

4 principles related to workplace conflicts : 

  1. preserve dignity and respect of all members
  2. listen emphatically
  3. seek out and emphasize common ground 
  4. value diversity and differences 

4 Principles of conflict : 

1. conflict can center on content and relationship issues
  • content conflict : centers on objects, events and persons 
  • relationship conflict : centers on relationship only; example, siblings, parents and children 
2. conflict can be negative or positive 
  • negative aspects : increases negative regard of opponent
  • positive aspect : forces you to examine a problem and work towards a solution 
3. conflict takes place in a context 
  • physical context : privately or publicly 
  • sociopsychological context : friendly or hostile 
  • temporal context : timing 
  • cultural context : collectivist culture or individualist culture 
4. conflict styles have consequences
  • competing 
  • avoiding 
  • accommodating
  • collaborating 
  • comprising 

 Preliminaries to conflict management 

1. before the conflict 
  • fight in private 
  • be sure everyone is ready to fight 
  • know what you're fighting about 
  • fight about problems that can be solved
  • consider the beliefs that you hold that may need reexamination 
2. after the conflict 
  • learn from the conflict 
  • increase exchange of rewards 
3. influences on your choice of conflict strategies 
  • goals
  • emotional state
  • cognitive assessment 
  • personality and communication competence 
  • family history 
4. stages of conflict management 
  • define and analyze the problem 
  • establish criteria for evaluating solutions 
  • identify productive solutions 
  • evaluate solutions 
  • select the best solution 
  • test the selected solution 

Conflict management strategies 

1. Win-Lose and Win-Win strategies 
2. Avoidance and active fighting 
  • non-negotiation 
3. Force and talk 
4. Blame and empathy 
5. Gunny-sacking and present focus 
6. Manipulation and spontaneity 
7. Personal rejection and acceptance 
8. Fighting below and above the belt 
  • belt-lining 
9. Face-detracting and face enhancing strategies 
10. Aggressiveness and argumentativeness
  • verbally 

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