Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chapter 11 : Members & Leaders

Members in Small Group Communication 

  1. A popular classification of small group member roles divides them into group task roles, group building and maintenance roles and individual roles.
  2. There are 12 group task roles : 
  • Initiator-contributor
  • Information seeker
  • Opinion seeker
  • Information giver
  • Opinion giver
  • Elaborator 
  • Coordinator
  • Orienter
  • Evaluator-critic
  • Energizer
  • Procedural technician 
  • Recorder
   3. There are 7 group building & maintenance roles :
  • Encourager
  • Harmonizer
  • Compromiser
  • Gatekeeper-expediter
  • Standard setter
  • Group observer & Commentator
  • Follower
  4. There are 8 individual roles :
  • Aggressor
  • Blocker
  • Recognition seeker
  • Self-confessor
  • Playboy/playgirl
  • Dominator
  • Help seeker
  • Special interest pleader
Leaders in Small Group Communication

  1. Approaches to Leadership
  • Functional Approach
  • Transformational Approach 
  • Situational Approach
    2. Functions and Skills of Leadership 
  • Be ready
  • Activate group agenda (keep tasks on track)
  • Promote group interaction (communication among the members)
  • Maintain effective interaction
  • Empower group members
  • Keep members on track (having discussions & informing members every details) 
  • Ensure member satisfaction (ask opinion from everyone)
  • Encourage ongoing evaluation
  • Manage conflict
  • Follow Up
Membership, Leadership & Culture

  1. Individualism & Collectivism 
  2. Member Roles
  3. Belief Systems
  4. Leadership Style 

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