Thursday, February 13, 2014

CHAPTER 2 : Perception

CHAPTER 2 : Perception

What is Perception ?
Perception is the impression that others give you and what you project to others.

The subtopic of Perception :

  1. The perception process
          First Stage    : Sensory stimulation occurs
          - The sense organs are stimulated 
          - We will perceive something meaningful and not perceive something are not meaningful

         Second Stage : Sensory stimulation is organized 
         - Proximity principle : People or message that are physically close to one another are perceived                                                      together or as unit 
         - Closure principle    : You perceived as complete , a figure or message that is in reality                                                                     incomplete

         Third Stage     : Sensory stimulation is interpreted-evaluated 
         - Your interpretation-evaluations on the part of the people who perceive

Example :

     2. Processes influencing perception
  • implicit personality theory
         - you have your own opinion about someone's characteristics that say which characteristics of an individual go with other characteristics.
  • the self-fulfilling prophecy
        - occurs when you make a prediction or formulate a belief  that comes true because you made the prediction and acted on it as if it was true
        - also known as Pygmalion effect 
  • perceptual accentuation 
        - lead you to see what you expect to see and what you want to see
  • primacy- recency
        - use early information to provide yourself with a general idea of what a person is like. Then use later information to make this general idea more specific
        - the first impression you make is likely to be the most important, through this first impression other filter additional information to formulate a picture of whom they perceive you to be
  • consistency
        - people have a strong tendency to maintain balance or consistency among perceptions
        - you expect certain things to go together and other things not to go together
  • stereotyping 
        - a fixed impression of a group of people
        - everyone has attitudinal stereotypes of national, religious group, racial groups etc 
  • attribution
        - the process through which you try discover why people do what they do and even why you what you do

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